Welcome to the Explosive Ordnance Detachment

The Explosive Ordnance Detachment (EOD) is a technical detachment of the Commemorative Air Force (CAF). The CAF was founded to acquire, restore and preserve in flying condition a complete collection of combat aircraft which were flown by all military services of the United States, and selected aircraft of other nations, for the education and enjoyment of present and future generations of Americans. Read more about the CAF mission.


The EOD is a CAF technical detachment. We are charged with providing CAF/EOD members with specialized training on how to safely conduct a demonstration at air shows where the CAF's aircraft and/or personnel are performing.


The EOD is charged with, in close coordication with CAF aircraft, to safely conduct demonstrations, using high explosives for the air show audience. Our goal is to safely get a maximum audio and visual effect from the items we have at our disposal. Our plan is to put on a show that is exciting enough that hopefully some of the children and adults in the audience will have a mental picture of air to ground warfare. Our members believe that our effort will help viewers reflect on the reality of war, and remember the sacrifice made by those who served, that we might better appreciate our unalieanable right of freedom.


The EOD members meet early in the morning on show day and work in a coordinated, disciplined way to accomplish their task. Completing that task prior to the air show and after detailed coordination with the pilots who will fly the show, the action begins. We shoot from hundreds to thousands of pounds of high explosives in a show that may last from 7 minutes up to 4 hours.